Our Name is Fair Play 4 Inclusion

System and Generation Association, as the main lead applicant, is implementing the ptoject


System and Generation Association, as the main lead applicant, is implementing the ptoject “Our name is Fair Play 4 Inclusion” to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical skills to youngsters that can learn more about the benefit of having a lifestyle based on regular sport activities, in order to be both mentally and physically healthy, and on the added value that sport events can contribute to benefit the social inclusion of young people at risk of marginalization.

Please find HERE the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform, the database that will give you access to descriptions, results, contact information and relevant information of the project “Our Name is Fair Play 4 Inclusion”.

Project Information

Partners involved

• “Associação Inspira! – Intervenção juvenil e Ambiental” (Portugal)
• Centre for Capacity Building & Empowerment (Sweden)
• System & Generation Association (Turkey)

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• To encourage physical and mental fitness and to fight obesity
• To foster a sense of Social Inclusion through Sport, particularly for marginalized groups
• To reduce racism and xenophobia and to create gender equality through Sport
• To promote greater participation in Sport through physical education programmes in schoolsdevelop and reinforce network

Moreover, we through this project we aim at: 

  • develop and reinforce the so established Network
  • increase the network capacity to operate at transnational level
  • exchange good practices
  • confront ideas and methods in different areas relating to sport and physical activity.

The project is starting in January 2021, and the following steps are being carried out:

  1. An introductive Kick-Off Meeting: To define the practical arrangements, as defined in the phase of development of the network and definition of roles/tasks.

4 Virtual Meetings: To monitor the ongoing activities related to this project, exchange good practices, share the first results, confront methods, and define the future aspects of collaboration. Also, expert in nutrition and sport disciplines, as well as intercultural mediators, can be involved in taking part in those meetings to share their observations and advice.

  1. Mid-Term Meeting: The mid-term meeting will offer the chance to support the mobility of the volunteers, coaches, managers and staff of non-profit organizations, in accordance with the aims of the Small Collaborative Partnership program, and to encourage the social inclusion and equal opportunities in Sport, throughout the implementation of activities and events.
  2. 4 Virtual Meetings: To monitor the first part of the dissemination phase, in order to ensure that positive results will be made available both within and outside the participating organizations during the project lifetime making them available also to groups not directly involved in the project, to evaluate how is it contributing in addressing issues relevant to the participating organizations and their target group, to share how each organization intend to address the sustainability of the project, continuing activities, outcomes and good practices after the grant is used up.
  3. A Closing Event named “The Erasmus League”: We will organize seminar sessions, where we will be able to share in person the main outcomes and results reached through and thanks to the network established at the beginning of the project. Experts in nutrition, in physical sciences and in intercultural mediation will be invited to attend these seminars and contribute with their knowledge. On the second and third day, we’ll implement “The Erasmus League” event, where all the participants coming from the partner organizations, as well as members of the civil society coming from marginalized groups, will play together several sport discipline, to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities by supporting sport activities.
  4. Final Virtual Meeting: To share the main outcomes and results of the project, asses the evaluation and monitor the dissemination phases, define in accordance on how to maintain the network and the activities that have been implemented through this project.Visibility: 
    We will ensure the visibility of the project and the dissemination of the main results through:
    • Meetings in high schools, attended by the representatives of the partner organizations, to inform and raise awareness on the importance of Sport in our society and for our well-being.
    • Internal workshops, to inform and reflect on the results obtained through the project.
    • Open events and exhibitions, where all the people potentially interested from the local communities of each association can attend and get informed on the results of the project, as well as representatives of the local institutions will be invited in order to be informed on the problem that has come out through the project especially related on the risk of social exclusion of some groups and lack of sport initiatives to tackle passivity and unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, and to take common responsibilities on them.
    • Articles and photos published in the social media, local press, webpages, targeting a wide audience, to sensibilize the public attention on the social problems raised by the implementation of this Action.
    • Flyers and brochures, to be spread and delivered among schools, local associations, education institutes and institutions, to inform on the results of the project. The target group of this action would be the civil society of each organization, especially young people, that could get more information about the outcomes of this project, about the importance of having sport initiatives, and more in general on the opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ program.


Project Card-results

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